Nutrition Tip | Gut Issues

I have a gut feeling this could be the answer you’re looking for!

Do you, or anyone you know suffer from gut issues in their sport? It’s a fairly common problem causing much distress and occasional reduced performance for sufferers. Wiffin et al., (2019) explored how gut symptoms could be improved by implementing a low FODMAP diet over a short period of time.

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol. It describes certain molecules found in carbohydrates that in high amounts can cause gut issues.  There has been good evidence over the last decade to suggest reduced amount of these molecules improves IBS symptoms with the recent evidence turning to sport.

The study suggested a low FODMAP diet over an acute period reduced exercise related GI symptoms improving perceived ability to exercise. If you’re a sufferer of gut issues reach out to a sports dietitian with a good gut feeling that they can help!

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