Nutrition Tip | Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be obtained entirely through skin exposure to sunlight which is an easy feat for athletes and exercisers who are based outdoors.  Athletes who are indoor athletes have higher rates of low vitamin D.  When vitamin D is low, extra dietary sources with some more sun exposure, can assist in brining those levels back into the range.

For your best source for vitamin D rich foods try some of the following:

- Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna)

- Eggs (namely the yolk)

- Mushrooms

- Occasionally vitamin D is fortified in some: milk, yoghurt, cheese, bread, margarine, cereal and fruit juices – so check the label on these foods to see if they have added vitamin D to their product

Keep that vitamin D in the range to optimise your bone metabolism, muscle function, immune regulation, insulin and blood pressure control.


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