Nutrition Tip | Nutrition Goals for 2019

As the calendar ticks over to the New Year, many of us set resolutions, often related to food and diet, but unfortunately most of us will struggle to keep on top of these beyond January. In order to improve your success rate this year, it’s important to set goals that are specific, realistic, and measurable. Write down your goals, set a time-frame and identify possible obstacles.  Rather than set too many goals at once, which may be unachievable, perhaps you are better to choose one thing to focus on at a time and set a new goal or challenge every month.

Let’s have a look at some possible nutrition goals for 2019:

  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. You may like to add diced fruit to your cereal, have fruit with your lunch or between meals, make a side salad to have with pasta dishes, grate carrot and zucchini into mince-based dishes, snack on sliced carrot, celery and capsicum with hummus
  2. Increase your intake of health fats. Try using avocado as a spread, have fish for dinner twice a week, drizzle olive oil on your salad, snack on a small serve of unsalted nuts
  3. Improve your recipe repertoire. Why not try one new recipe each week?
  4. Try different types of grains. Search for new recipes using different grains, such as quinoa, barley, or buckwheat.
  5. Drink more water. Keep a bottle on your desk, in your car, on the kitchen provide that reminder to sip sip sip
  6. Cut back on take away foods. Try some quick and easy fast food at home. You could whip up your own healthy burgers, pizza or souvlaki, with lean meats and lots of salad

Wishing you all a Healthy & Happy New Year from VIS Nutrition.

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