Nutrition Tip | Summer Sweats

As the weather starts to warm up our bodies have to work harder to regulate temperature.

What does this mean for our sweating, hydration and performance?

The VIS Nutrition team have been working with our elite runners over the last few weeks to see how hydration status can be improved to increase performance. Here are some facts to think about when it comes to hydrating and performance:

- Training in warmer climates improves your sweating efficiency

- Some athletes wake up dehydrated and need to work harder to become hydrated

- You can tell a lot about your hydration status by the colour of your urine: pale yellow is best

- For every 1kg lost from sweat, 1.5L is required to rehydrate efficiently

- Being dehydrated can significantly impair physical performance and concentration

Everyone sweats at different rates and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Learn from your body and never underestimate how dehydration can affect performance.

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