VIS Nutrition Tip

An apple a day keeps the doctor away…

We may long for the mangoes, peaches and asparagus that we have enjoyed all Summer, but as we approach Winter, there are so many other fruit and veggies to look forward to. Eating produce that is in-season is the way to go – not only does fresh produce taste better, but the nutrient quality is better due to beingas it’s picked in season when ripe (as opposed to picked early and stored in cool rooms), and it is more likely to be produced locally, thereby reducing ‘food mileage’ and supporting our local farmers.

During the Autumn and Winter months, apples, oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, bananas and pears, as well as spinach, potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage and beetroot are all great seasonal choices. Try the fruit fresh, stewed on your porridge, or have a glass of freshly squeezed as juice to get your day going. As for the veggies:, roast your root vegetables, sauté your spinach & cabbage, and be creative with big pots of soup.

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