Alumni: Don Elgin

Don Elgin

Current role: Head of Events at One Community

Current organsiation: One Community

What sport did you hold a scholarship for at VIS: Athletics

Time as VIS athlete: 1994 - 2006

LinkedIn Profile

Tell us about your life after your time as an athlete at the VIS? 

One of the best things about being at the VIS is the motto, success in sport and life, the reason I love it is because it encouraged me to make sure my life was in order even when I was an athlete. Whilst on scholarship I was a father of two and we had two more kids following my sporting career. I’ve was fortunate to be involved with the sports persons in schools’ program when it started and that really helped set me up as a motivational speaker and facilitator post sport. 

What’s the one career achievement you’re most proud of?

Today I am head of events for One Community, we run 120+ networking events around the country. I travel to places all over Australia and connect service providers with the NDIS community. I enjoy it because I love to travel, I lead a team, I use public speaking skills and I get to make a meaningful difference to peoples lives, often the positive impact continues long after my team and I have left.

What’s the most valuable lesson you learnt during your career as an athlete at the VIS?

The VIS was a constant source of learning opportunities, I soon learnt the value of my scholarship was determined by how willing I was to get involved and access as many different programs as possible. It’s the little things that athletes do away from the spotlight that enables them to be a contender for the podium in sport and in life. 

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